When you or your child suffer from repeated bouts of tonsillitis, your ENT surgeon may decide it's best to remove them. Although this procedure will bring a lot of comfort in the long term, you will move through a period of noticeable changes in the week after your surgery takes place. Knowing more about them can make them less daunting.
A sore throat
Most patients will experience a sore throat following their tonsil removal surgery. It's often quite mild, and it's possible to treat it using a combination of staying hydrated and simple painkillers. The pain may begin around one day after your surgery, and it can last for as long as two weeks.
Bad breath
The back of your throat will feature a healing wound after your tonsil removal surgery. This is usually because your surgeon needs to cauterise the surgical site to ensure it stands the best chance of healing. Additionally, if your tongue responds to any ongoing inflammation by swelling, small particles of food can become trapped. That in itself is a recipe for bad breath. You can combat this by drinking plenty of water, and you should find it gets better after around one week.
The reappearance of white exudate
If you're a long-suffering tonsillitis patient or the parent of someone who is, you'll already be familiar with what white exudate looks like. Fortunately, the white exudate that arises after your tonsil removal surgery is part of the healing process. It can appear anywhere between three and eight days after your operation and should disappear within two weeks. Expect the area to turn to a yellowish colour before it becomes pink again.
Approach fevers with caution
Many people find that they experience a fever ranging between 38 degrees Celsius and 38.8 degrees Celsius following a general anaesthetic. However, the way you approach this will vary according to your ENT surgeon's instructions. While they may feel comfortable with some people managing their fevers at home, they may also want others to contact them if they notice one. In the interests of ensuring you enjoy a safe recovery, always follow their instructions.
Most people enjoy a smooth recovery after their tonsil removal surgery, with many of their recovery symptoms disappearing within one to two weeks. If you feel concerned about your recovery at any stage, it's always worth contacting your surgical team or your GP for further advice.
Hello, my name is Peter and I live in Western Australia with my wife on our pet dogs. This is my blog which details how to deal with various medical emergencies and other conditions. Last year, several friends and members of my family suffered from various different kinds of medical problems. Some of them, such as my uncle had to be rushed to the hospital for immediate treatment that saved his life. Lots of my friends had minor problems which had a big impact on the quality of their lives. I take an active interest in first-aid and other medical matters so I decided to start this blog.