Dealing With Medical Emergencies and Conditions

Dealing With Medical Emergencies and Conditions

Types of Physiotherapy Treatments

by Vernon Foster

The main aim of physiotherapy is to improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from chronic pain, age-related conditions and injuries. Physiotherapy is an effective treatment, as it does not involve one routine. It is custom-tailored to fit different types of conditions. Some conventional physiotherapy treatments include the following:

Manual therapy

As the name suggests, manual therapy requires a hands-on approach to determine the cause of pain and administer treatment. Common examples of manual therapy involve the use of massage, acupuncture and stretching, just to mention a few. Only a trained physiotherapist can perform manual therapy. Soft tissue massage can be gentle or deep, depending on the patient's condition. Manual therapy helps prepare a patient for the next step, which is exercise.


Exercise is a form of physiotherapy that involves applying stress to the affected body parts to increase mobility and strength. This type of physiotherapy can be passive or active. With passive exercise, you lay on a flat surface, and the therapist applies pressure to the body part by doing things such as lifting and stretching your muscles. With active exercise, you may need to perform a task, such as walking on a treadmill. Hydrotherapy is also a common intense exercise. A physiotherapist can also give you instructions on activities you can do at home. A good home exercise program will help you regain your mobility faster.

Hot and cold therapy

Hot and cold treatments are useful for patients who suffer from inflammation, swelling and pain. Ice, for instance, is suitable for numbing pain as it constricts the flow of blood. As it numbs the affected tissues, it slows down pain transmission messages from the nerves to the brain. Heat, on the other hand, is suitable for muscle spasms, tightness and the reduction of pain. It is ideal for patients with chronic pain conditions. A therapist can alternate between hot and cold treatments to stimulate blood flow to affected muscles.


Ultrasound physiotherapy involves the use of soundwaves to enhance stimulation and generate heat in the affected tissues. In combination with manual therapy, ultrasound will speed up the healing process. Ultrasound is also used for phonophoresis. Phonophoresis is the application of medication such as topical oils to the skin for patients who are uncomfortable with injections. The application of topical oils via ultrasound helps penetrate beneath the skin to the tissues. This therapy is performed within minutes for minor conditions. The ultrasound probe is in constant motion on affected muscles without any discomfort.

For more information about your options, reach out to a physio professional.


About Me

Dealing With Medical Emergencies and Conditions

Hello, my name is Peter and I live in Western Australia with my wife on our pet dogs. This is my blog which details how to deal with various medical emergencies and other conditions. Last year, several friends and members of my family suffered from various different kinds of medical problems. Some of them, such as my uncle had to be rushed to the hospital for immediate treatment that saved his life. Lots of my friends had minor problems which had a big impact on the quality of their lives. I take an active interest in first-aid and other medical matters so I decided to start this blog.

